BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:EventsCalendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fisher Forward,News, Alumni News DESCRIPTION:Attend the Alumni Luncheon in Sarasota Join President Gerard J. Rooney for a reception with Fisher alumni, donors, and current students. Connect with fellow members of the Fisher family in the region, hear University updates, and share your career insights with students to strengthen the Fisher network across generations. Enjoy an evening of conversation and connection as you reminisce about your Fisher days, expand your professional network, and inspire the next generation of Cardinals.Hors d'oeuvres will be served. Guests are welcome! Contact Kimberly Gropp at or (585) 385-8458 with any questions.52680 DTSTAMP:20250312T155904 DTSTART:20250409T180000 DTEND:20250409T210000 LOCATION:New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South New York, NY 10019 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:New York City Fisher Alumni Gathering END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR